Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Can you count binary?

There are 10 types of people..... those who can count in binary and those who cant!

Who are you?


Archana Raghupathy said...

wat does that mean?

Guru Prasath said...

so, you can't count binary. Isn't it?

TexasTiger said...

yea.. I can count binary.. am 1 of those 10 people. :)

Guru Prasath said...

Yeah. You are 1 of those who can count it. Great.

Guru Prasath said...

Come on guys/gals. Arul has already taken 1 of the 10 spots. Fill up the rest. Come on. Quick!

joseclar said...

I am one of those 10 (two types) who can count binary!